
As the effects of climate change are being felt across every sector, more heads are turning towards agriculture with leaders becoming increasingly aware of the impacts and risks it has for food systems and supply chains. Greater emphasis and investment in particular are being directed towards regenerative farming in order to transition to a more resilient supply chain and develop new innovative agriculture practices and funding solutions.

Recently, Dave Haynes, Managing Director at Pollination and former CEO of rePlant Capital, told me about how Pollination, a climate advisory and investment firm, has experienced a growth in demand for strategies and solutions in this space from its corporate clients. The company recently integrated the team from rePlant Capital to expand its expertise in regenerative agriculture

Dave shared with me on how they are helping large consumer product companies propel the formation of creative solutions for transitioning the agricultural sector to regenerative practices across the US. He addressed the driving forces behind this investment as well as the challenges the industry faces at these formative stages to create a positive transformation across food and agriculture systems in the US.


Post time: Nov-03-2023